Wednesday, September 7, 2011

She's The Bomb!

I hear through the grapevine that Lady Gaga is posing for some magazine with NO make-up! You go, girl! I myself rarely wear make-up. I prefer that all-natural look! And whether you like her or hate her, you have to give Lady Gaga props for doing the no-make-up thing. So many celebrities depend so heavily on air-brushing and heaven knows what else that it really takes some guts to allow yourself to be photographed without the crutch of make-up!

Personally, I like Gaga. She is so far out there that she has definitely carved a niche for herself... and in today's world, if you can have the cojones to be yourself and do your own thing, then you definitely have my support!

And of course, I have to say that you can't read my... can't read my... can't read my POKER FACE!

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