Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sometimes You Just Need To Relax!

You know, sometimes we just need to take a break from the stresses of life, and take a few moments to relax and reflect... and most especially step back from all the people who pluck on our nerves! Some people like to take a day and go shopping, while others like a day at the spa.

I myself just like to enjoy the comforts of home where I can lay back and enjoy the peace and quiet! So turn off those phones, don't answer the door, and enjoy a few moments just for yourself!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday... It's Gotta Be Better Than Monday!

Why do people go out of their way to pluck my nerves? And then act surprised when I go ballastic on them? I'm not a patient puppy. What's on my mind comes out of my mouth. I guess people will learn to eventually not ask for my opinion if they don't want to here what I have to say!

Here is my mantra for today...

I love Vera Donovan in Dolores Claiborne! "Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hold onto!"

Monday, August 29, 2011

Up And Moving!

Yes, I'm up and moving this morning! I'm ready for a whole new week and a whole new set of challenges. Thanks to some much needed puppy naps this weekend, I feel all energized and ready to face the world today! So look out world... here I come! I'm just like the fabulous Patti LaBelle... I've got a NEW ATTITUDE!

Check out my new THEME SONG for the week!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Holidays Approach!

So, this week is the end of August and the start of September. The holidays will be upon us before we know it. I, as always, am grossly unprepared... but then again my Christmas list gets shorter ever year because more and more people pluck my nerves during the year!

I found this really awesome card that I'm going to start sending to cover all the holidays at once. That will definitely save me some time and effort! Everyone can just post it on their refrigerator and apply it to whatever holiday comes along.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wow... It's Raining!

As predicted, the rough weather from Hurricane Irene has stayed toward the coast. (And I do sincerely hope that everyone in the coastal regions stay safe.) All we are getting is some breezy winds and the occasional rain shower... Just enough to disturb my puppy naps and mess up my hair! Life can just be a bitch sometimes!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricane Preparation

Needless to say, living in the piedmont section of Southern Virginia, we are not expecting any significantly bad weather from Hurricane Irene... just a little wind and the occasional rain shower. Of course, as is typical for this area, people have been panic-buying like they are going to be stranded for days and days. I don't think there is a loaf of bread left on the shelf of a single local grocery store! Well, all I can say is this...

Let's just hope that it goes like the song says! Check it out!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Too Much Time On The Internet Is A Bad Thing!

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I spend too much time on the internet. But occasionally I do find interesting pictures of people and things which intrigue me. What can I say... it's a dog's life!

Go ahead and tell me I have too much time on my hands!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


There was a "whole lot of shakin' going on" here in Virginia today! I do want to say a special prayer for those near the epicenter of the quake in Mineral, Virginia, who had some significant damage... but I do have to laugh at the people here in Southern Virginia who seem to get so upset about a little tremor. I found this one picture on the internet which so accurately summarizes the "over-reaction" to the quake around here!

Some of the drama queens in Southern Virginia just totally blew me away with some of their stories! At least it was worth a laugh or two!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

In A Mood This Morning!

Yes, I am up and in a mood this morning! I want to give a special shout-out to my girl Barbra Streisand! She is the best!

Here's a link to one of my favorite Streisand songs. It brings back lots of memories (which are probably better NOT discussed here!).

I'm also really excited to announce that Barbra is doing a special with Starbucks... visit your neighborhood Starbucks with your WiFi-enabled laptop or mobile device to watch Barbra perform songs from her new album "What Matters Most" in the Entertainment Channel of the Starbucks Digital Network at

For more information, vist Barbra's website

It's simply amazing! Such an enduring talent!

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Shout-Out To My Girl!

I have to give a shout-out to my girl Beyonce! Girl, you are the best! I just love "Single Ladies"! You go, girl!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Desperately Want To Hear A Sane Voice!

I desperately want to hear a sane, coherent voice in the midst of this economic meltdown! I'm thoroughly sick and tired of hearing all the pro's and con's of President Obama and his administration when it seems that all of it is merely hype and repetition of propaganda. I get the distinct impression that so many speakers, on both sides, have not actually examined the facts, have not read the actual material, and have not given any serious thought to what they are saying beyond quoting the "party line."

I am particularly distressed by these youngsters, mostly college students, who think that they are political gurus of some sort. They make these grandiose political statements, make thunderous political speeches, and write countless political blogs... but all they manage to do is regurgitate wave after wave of party-line propaganda which they have been able to memorize (and often not even memorize correctly). Or they will seize upon one idea or catch-phrase, and expound into infinity based upon the most frivilous of associations. And of course in their very next blog or twitter, they will be discussing a movie, a sports event, or what someone is wearing that day.... Not realizing that they are destroying what little credibility they have by reverting back to being the typical flighty college student.

But enough about that. I just wish I could hear some credible commentary and ideas from either side of the political aisle!

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Getting Started...

I've been silent for far too long, and it's time for me to speak my mind!

My good friends Francesca and Sharkey have a wonderful blog which I read every day, so I thought I would start my own blog to share some thoughts and feelings with all my friends. So here goes... Get ready for me to address any subject!

Take care!