Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Deborah Kerr!

I have to take a moment and say a special Happy Birthday to the magnificent actress Deborah Kerr! She is, of course, one of my favorites, and I absolutely loved her with Yul Brenner in "The King and I"!

And any time you need to be cheered up and have a smile, just remember... Shall We Dance! Shall We Dance! Shall We Dance!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Changing My Mind!

Ok, so maybe I have not given the whole Fall Season a fair assessment. I was recently riding through the countryside, noticing that the leaves were changing and observing all the signs of the arrival of Fall. I just happened to notice a few things about Fall that may have just made me change my mind. Fall does have some beautiful scenery to be noticed!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Highly Disturbed!

Yes, yes... I know that re-makes are popular, but I cannot believe that they are doing a re-make of the 1984 classic "Footloose"! The new one is supposed to be in theatres on October 14th. I just hope that they can do justice to the original Kevin Bacon version. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Kevin Bacon, and that boy could truly dance back in the 80's!

If you haven't seen it, or even if you have, be sure to check out the dance sequence in the 1984 original version of "Footloose"!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Channeling Christina Aguilera!

Check out my new profile picture! I think I am channeling Christina Aguilera in the "Moulin Rouge" video! At least we have the same hair! I just love my girl Christina!

Be sure to check out the "Moulin Rouge" video and see if you don't think we could pass as sisters!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Virginia Wine & Garlic Festival -- October 8th & 9th!

I do want to make everyone aware of an awesome event coming up soon... The Virginia Wine & Garlic Festival in Amherst, Virginia, on October 8th and 9th! Be sure to check out their official Festival Website for details!

There will be lots of vineyards represented for some great wine-tasting, loads of vendors with which you can do your advance Christmas shopping, and always excellent food and entertainment! It's definitely worth the trip!

Of course my favorite part every year is the mechanical bull! One of these days, I'm going to put on my cowboy hat and give it a try!

And of course you know what they say... Save A Horse -- Ride A Cowboy!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Need A Personal Assistant!

With my busy social schedule and so many things going on, I've decided I need a personal assistant. I'm not quite sure what qualifications I'm going to be looking for, but I know it must be someone detail-oriented, capable of handling a hectic social calendar, and most of all... someone with an abundance of energy! I don't even know where to start looking for such a person, but I do have one applicant in mind...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Emmy Awards!

Is everyone gearing up to watch the Emmy Awards this weekend? I of course have to watch them to support my one special favorite... Julianna Margulies who is nominated for "The Good Wife." I just love her!

Of course my absolute favorite role which Julianna has ever done was her portrayal of Morgaine LeFay in "The Mists Of Avalon"!

Just listen to the theme song and create the magic of Avalon once again!

Friday, September 23, 2011

First Day of Fall -- Big Whoop!

Okay, so it's officially the first day of Fall. Big whoop! There goes my hot weather. There goes my beach trips. There goes all the beauty of the summer!

I think I will just move to the DESERT where it is ALWAYS hot!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Satellite Falling!

As if a girl does not have enough to worry about, now I'm supposed to be thinking about a satellite falling on me? Give me a break! If they would stop sending junk up there, then we wouldn't have to worry about it falling on us! And the news media is SO helpful... they have no idea exactly when or where it's going to hit. How fabulous is that? I'm just going to have my nails done and say to hell with it!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Faith Hill!

I have to give a special shout out to my girl Faith Hill today on her birthday! You go, girl! I just love Faith Hill. She can sing some of those low-down, bitterness-dripping country songs that just wrench the heart right out of your chest! Way to go, Faith!

And let me pay tribute to my three all-time favorite Faith Hill tear-jerking songs!

There You'll Be ... From the movie "Pearl Harbor"!

Cry ... just a little for me!

And of couse Like We Never Loved At All ... The ultimate in bitterness!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Summer Coming To A Close!

Ahh yes... Summer is coming to a close. It makes me sad. I so enjoy the warm weather! There are always so many beautiful things to see during the hot summer months!

But I suppose Fall and Winter have their beauty also. Lots of nice colors, plus the joy of the holidays. But still, I hate to see summer come to a close! No more leisurely afternoons by the pool!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Final Week!

Yes, friends... The final week of "All My Children" is here! I cannot believe it. I can't wait to see how they end the series after all these years. I'll be glued to the television screen to see all the tributes to the show from over the years and to see what big surprises occur in the final days.

I know that "All My Children" is migrating to the web or whatever, but it just won't be the same!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Greta Garbo!

Today I have to pause and pay tribute to one of Hollywood's true legends... Greta Garbo... on her birthday! Happy birthday Greta! She was truly Hollywood royalty! Watch some of her vintage films today, and celebrate the life of a true Hollywood legendary actress from an era long since gone...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Blah Day!

Sometimes you just have a "blah" day for absolutely no reason. I can't seem to get myself moving to do anything today. I'm sure you  know the feeling. We try different things, have that extra cup of coffee, do whatever it takes, and we still feel sort of blah. That's the type of day I'm having.

Sometimes a girl just needs a little pick-me-up...

Friday, September 16, 2011

It's A Crying Shame!

OMG! It's only like 49 degrees this morning! Goodbye to summer and hello to fall! All those hot summer days are gone, and we are moving into cooler weather of autumn and winter. I enjoy the holidays, but I will miss those hot summer days. There are always so many wonderful things to do and see during the hot summer months. I will surely miss them! Oh well, goodbye beach weather. I'll see you again next year!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dreading Wally World!

Yes, I am making the dreaded trip to Walmart today. I need another bag of crunchies, a few rawhide bones, and some new chew toys. I like Walmart's prices, but I simply hate dealing with the people at Walmart. I am just sure that somebody will pluck my last nerve while I am there!

And if the other people in Walmart aren't bad enough, heaven forbid you actually have to ask an employee for help finding something! This is usually how I end up getting their attention...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What A Nightmare!

I'm not sure if I ate the wrong thing before I went to bed or what happened... but I had the most horrible nightmare! A nightmare about CATS! Cats, cats, cats... cats everywhere! (It reminded me of this woman's house I visited where there were like 40,000 cats crawling around everywhere and swinging out of the trees!) I will definitely have to be careful of what snacks I eat before going to bed!

I think the nightmare even had sound effects. I kept hearing David Bowie singing "Putting Out Fires With Gasoline" from the movie "Cat People"!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Grilling Season Is Almost Gone!

I enjoy the fall and winter seasons, but I'm always a little sad to see the end of grilling season. I so love cooking on the grill! There is just something so extra tasty about foods cooked on the grill! I did recently find a grill that I simply MUST have. It so truly captures my love of grilling, as well as so accurately fits my personality!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Paul Walker!

For those who don't know, today is Paul Walker's birthday! Happy Birthday Paul! Just as a reminder, Paul Walker is that hottie we came to know and love in "The Fast and The Furious"! I would say more, but I think these pictures are worth a thousand words!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

In Special Memory!

One cannot go through today without remembering the tragic events of September 11th, 2001. Today, on the tenth anniversary of that historic and fatal day, let us all take a moment to pause and remember those who lost their lives in the attacks, the families of all the victims, and the heroes who risked their own lives to save as many as possible.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Moving From Summer to Fall!

Now that I have exhausted all my thoughts of summer and sunshine with a lazy day at the lake, I must turn my attention to a much more important issue... What do I wear for Halloween! You know that one must always select just the right costume for all the parties and celebrations, and I believe I have found my perfect persona for Halloween this year!

I have always been a tremendous fan of Anjelica Huston, so I have decided to go with one one of her characters for Halloween this year. She's had so many wonderful wonderful stage and screen roles, but I have narrowed it down to a choice of two... Viviane from "The Mists Of Avalon" or Morticia from "The Adams Family." I just can't decide which one best fits this year!

Friday, September 9, 2011

It's A Dog's Life!

What a beautiful day it has turned out to be! Sunny... mid-80's... not a cloud in the sky! I realize that Labor Day is gone, marking the unofficial end to summer, but I have to go out one more time and enjoy the summer-like weather. Yes, I'm being totally lazy and self-serving today, so I decided to go to the lake and catch some rays.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to go out on the water, but this guy came along with a boat and offered to take me sailing. I just couldn't resist....

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Planning A Road Trip!

In case anyone is wondering where I will be in December, let me tell you right now... December 13th and 14th, I will be at Christie's Auction House in New York for the auction of Elizabeth Taylor's jewelry collection! After all, diamonds are a girl's best friend... along with sapphires, emeralds, rubies, etc.

I've always loved Liz Taylor. She was true Hollywood Royalty.

I simply cannot resist her jewelry collection which is scheduled to be auctioned by Christie's! Stunning pieces with such a rich history! I simply MUST have at least a couple of trinkets to hang on my collar!